I really enjoy Khet - the game itself is a great chess-like game with a modern spin (freakin lazers!). Learning the rules and move-set is easy, but coming up with a good strategy takes time. Do you go offensive? Do you play low key and react to your opponent. Every game could be different, depending on you and your opponents play style.
Ill break things down - like and dislike:
- As I said earlier, the game itself is fun. And its convenient having a portable version on your iPhone.
- Three different table layouts with four different levels of AI; plenty here to learn strategy
- Asych online multiplayer; essential for a game like this
That being said, there are some issues with this implementation:
- AI only seems to work when you have an internet connection. When I try to play offline, it says "Unable to get next move. Please Try Again." Why does this need to pull AI routines from a remote server? You should be able to play this game against the AI without an internet connection.
- Graphic design is very pedestrian. The game doesnt need fancy 3D models or anything, but the 2D artwork is very plain and uninspired looking. Merely functional looking.
- Non-Universal build. I dislike this for a couple reasons. The biggest of which is that it fragments the potential multiplayer base (since iPhone and iPad are separate builds). Second, this is an expensive game, relative to the competition on the App Store
WakeOfPoseidon about KHET